
Lumen biology
Lumen biology

Tube morphogenesis: making and shaping biological tubes. Shows the role of actin and microtubule cytoskeletons in directing this process. Identifies membrane invagination as the mechanism of subcellular lumen formation in tracheal terminal cells. In vivo coupling of cell elongation and lumen formation in a single cell. Conversion of plasma membrane topology during epithelial tube connection requires Arf-like 3 small GTPase in Drosophila. Kakihara, K., Shinmyozu, K., Kato, K., Wada, H. The making of a fusion branch in the Drosophila trachea. Zygotic Drosophila E-cadherin expression is required for processes of dynamic epithelial cell rearrangement in the Drosophila embryo. Cadherin-mediated cell adhesion and cell motility in Drosophila trachea regulated by the transcription factor Escargot. Tanaka-Matakatsu, M., Uemura, T., Oda, H., Takeichi, M. Suggests that vascular lumen formation in zebrafish may take place by cell hollowing. Endothelial tubes assemble from intracellular vacuoles in vivo. Demonstrates that lumen formation in the zebrafish vasculature can occur by two distinct mechanisms: membrane invagination and cord hollowing. Distinct cellular mechanisms of blood vessel fusion in the zebrafish embryo. In vivo analysis reveals a highly stereotypic morphogenetic pathway of vascular anastomosis. Complex cell rearrangements during intersegmental vessel sprouting and vessel fusion in the zebrafish embryo. Morphogenetic mechanisms of epithelial tubulogenesis: MDCK cell polarity is transiently rearranged without loss of cell-cell contact during scatter factor/hepatocyte growth factor-induced tubulogenesis. Induction of epithelial tubular morphogenesis in vitro by fibroblast-derived soluble factors. Identification of a fibroblast-derived epithelial morphogen as hepatocyte growth factor. Montesano, R., Matsumoto, K., Nakamura, T. Tips, stalks, tubes: notch-mediated cell fate determination and mechanisms of tubulogenesis during angiogenesis. Rac regulates endothelial morphogenesis and capillary assembly. Molecular mechanisms controlling vascular lumen formation in three-dimensional extracellular matrices. RGD-dependent vacuolation and lumen formation observed during endothelial cell morphogenesis in three-dimensional fibrin matrices involves the αvβ3 and α5β1 integrins. Tube formation by complex cellular processes in Ciona intestinalis notochord. From cells to organs: building polarized tissue. The first demonstration of angiogenesis in vitro shows that the lumen can develop from isolated capillary endothelial cells.īryant, D. 'Seamless' endothelia in brain capillaries during development of the rat's cerebral cortex. Electron microscopy of the development of tracheoles in Drosophila melanogaster. The morphogenesis of the tracheal system of Sciara. Epithelial tube morphogenesis during Drosophila tracheal development requires Piopio, a luminal ZP protein. The major cellular machineries needed for tube construction are cell polarity determinants, vesicle-trafficking systems and the cytoskeleton.Īlthough there is currently a good understanding of how material is delivered to the apical membrane during the creation of tubes, an important open question is how the membrane is given its spatial structure. Lumen formation can be subdivided into three steps: determining the site of lumen initiation, enlarging the apical domain, and the maturation and stabilization of the lumen. Despite apparent differences, there are many cell biological commonalities that now justify a unifying overview.Ī major mechanism of de novo lumen formation is the delivery of membrane material to the apical plasma membrane of the lumen-forming cell, which must be incorporated in a spatially structured manner. A lumen arising de novo creates a space between or within cells where no space existed before.ĭe novo lumen formation has been studied in several model systems.

Lumen biology